Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top Ten Settings I'd Like To See More Of

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top ten is...

Top Ten Settings I'd Like To See More Of (Or At All).

1. In the past, like the 1800s. A guilty pleasure of mine is watching Little House on the Prairie and I love love love how people lived back then.

2. The future. I know this is becoming more and more common but I still can't get enough! It is so fun imagining how things will be.

3. The south. I'm not from the south, but it is really interesting to read about. I'm not a fan of stereotypes, but books like this always make me feel like it's summer and time for sweet tea.

4. The beginning of the school year. I don't see this too much and when I do, I like it. I like it even more if it is college!

5. The city! I'm not sure why, but just about every book that I read takes place in a small town or suburb. The city is fun and interesting and busy!

6. Space. I can count on one hand the books I read who take place in space. There is so much that can be said, so get on this writers!

7. College. As a college student, I'd really appreciate it. Believe me, even younger teenagers will enjoy it because they are thinking about what college will be like. Do it!

8. The Twilight Zone. Ehh? Ehhh?! How freaky would that be?

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